Simplifying Your Business with All-In-One Platforms

In a recent episode of "Starting a Business Simplified," the host introduces the concept of all-in-one platforms that can streamline your business operations and simplify management. The article advises evaluating your platform needs and creating a list of essential and helpful features. 

All-in-one platforms like Attractwell excel in tracking and managing client interactions, organizing business relationships, and offering features for sales pipelines. While pricing is important, the convenience and time-saving capabilities of all-in-one platforms justify the investment. It is also crucial to maintain offline copies of vital information and explore the various features and metrics offered by these platforms. 

Choosing the right all-in-one platform can be a game-changer for your business, enhancing efficiency and customer service. Expand your exploration beyond coaching niches and find the perfect fit for your specific requirements.

Finding Your North Star: The Role of Business Identity in Growth

In this blog post, we break down the key takeaways from Episode 21 of the Starting a Business Simplified podcast, where business consultant Jessica Millhiser discusses the importance of business identity and how to create a strong foundation for your business. Jessica emphasizes the need to take the time to discover your business identity through introspection and understanding your personal and professional beliefs. Recognizing the value of your own experiences and skills is also crucial in creating a successful business.

Additionally, Jessica highlights the importance of identifying what the world needs and niching down in order to attract the right customers in a competitive market. She also stresses the significance of solidifying internal operations, such as processes, procedures, workflow, and team growth, to create an organized and scalable business. Moreover, Jessica advises creating a routine that works for you, using her productivity workbook "Master Your Week" as a guide.

In conclusion, developing a business identity is essential for starting and running a successful business. By following these steps, business owners can establish a solid foundation, stand out in their niche, attract the right customers, and achieve their business goals.

How to Organize Ideas into a Clear Concise Plan

Are you an entrepreneur with big ideas but struggling to put them into action? Do you find it challenging to communicate your vision to others or stay on track towards your goals? In this podcast episode, Suzy Wraines discusses the importance of organizing your ideas into a clear and concise plan. She shares five categories to focus on: business concept, marketing, operations, management team, and finance, and provides actionable tips for each category.

For example, in the business concept category, Suzy emphasizes the importance of defining your idea, identifying your target audience, and describing your unique selling proposition. In the marketing category, she suggests developing a marketing plan and budget while considering market trends and changes. In operations, she recommends defining your business processes, planning for inventory and logistics, and taking into account legal and regulatory requirements.

It's essential to have a strong management team, and Suzy discusses how to identify key members and their roles, their skills and experience, and potential gaps and how to address them. Finally, in finance, she suggests creating a financial plan that includes revenue projections, expense estimates, and funding sources, while also considering potential risks and challenges.

By organizing your ideas into a clear plan, you can gain clarity, communicate your vision to others, and stay on track towards achieving your goals. Suzy also offers additional resources, including a Starting a Business Simplified Guide and a Facebook Group for Women Medical Professionals starting an online business. Whether you're just starting or looking to grow your business, this podcast episode can provide valuable insights and tips.

How will Microsoft OneNote help me stay organized?

How will Microsoft OneNote help me stay organized?
The article was written by: Michelle Kaye

Let's get ORGANIZED, organized...

You probably have a ton of ideas, millions of pieces of paper strewn around your home, a list of things to read, files to download, and just so much information!

Are you in any way organized?

Maybe you’ve got a filing system…

Maybe it’s a box…

Maybe it’s a digital folder…

But really can you find anything?

I am going to share my absolute all-time favorite program with you!

How To Beat The Spreadsheet Fear Factor

How To Beat The Spreadsheet Fear Factor
The article was written by: Michelle Kaye

Do you remember a game show called Fear Factor? No - I’ll be honest and say that I don’t really remember the series, but I do remember the title.

While it was a stunt/dare game show, for many of us business owners there’s one program that’s almost guaranteed to have us shaking in our shoes: 


Why Are Small Business Operations So Important?

Why Are Small Business Operations So Important?
The article was written by: Suzy Wraines

Setting up your small business operations plan will save time and money.  The best part is you get to do what you love instead of trying to keep your business running.  Are you paying for apps that aren’t helping your business make money?