4 Ways Business Owners Can Eliminate Overwhelm
The article was written by: Annmarie Ware

Picture this... You're on the beach in Saint-Tropez drinking a Mai Tai. Feeling the breeze through your hair....the life of an entrepreneur...or maybe NOT!
Instead, you've been cooped up in your makeshift office, in the middle of the dining room table. You take a 20 min break and you see four missed calls. Turns out it was from a potential client that wanted your business.

 You wish you could hire more help, but you are working on a shoestring budget and you are the only one who can steer this ship. At this moment, you're now beginning to realize that owning a business isn't as glamorous as "the gurus" make it out to be.

We all have different reasons for starting a business. Whether it be to pursue our passions or to gain financial freedom. But what is not talked about a lot in the entrepreneurial world, is how to build an empire without losing your mind. This post will dive deep into the 4 ways to keep your cool when building your business.

It's time to implement your business plan.  No, not bury a 20-page document in your Google Drive. You need to put your plan into action. 
If you don’t already have a business plan read “Why Business Plans are Important.”
While on the road to building your business empire along the way you may encounter roadblocks, failures, and plain frustration. Following your business plan along with these tips from a serial entrepreneur who has been around the block a few times.

Don't forget to take care of yourself. 

There is only one of you. 

Getting started with a business is exciting and you want to hit the ground running. But first, take time to center yourself and make taking care of yourself a priority. We start a business as solo entrepreneurs, but sometimes we can forget the basic things like getting adequate sleep, drinking water, eating a healthy diet, and exercising. 
According to Forbes...”92 percent of small business owners have experienced mental health problems over the past two years.” This means, being aware of your mental health while being an entrepreneur is essential to business success. Another way to take care of your mental health as a business owner is to set boundaries with your clients. 
However, you may be wondering...."But I don't have any customers yet, shouldn't I be chasing them 24/7?." No, it is imperative to set healthy boundaries like shutting down calls after 7 pm and putting strict stipulations in business contracts to protect your interests and client expectations. 
You will save yourself a whole lot of trouble if you communicate in writing, when you will be available and how you expect your client to contribute to their desired results. Remember, it's difficult to pour from an empty cup, so pour into yourself first.

Start with why.

Do you know why you are doing what you are doing? Simon Sinek talks about how Apple is an innovative company that sells products based on the why. He states: “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” 
Take your time and develop your origin story. We are drawn to stories because it’s how we have survived as humans. When you sell, people are buying YOU, not your product or service. What do you bring to the table that differentiates you from other business owners that do the same thing you do? This will bring longevity to your business. We all know the statistic that 50% of businesses fail. We don’t know the backstory. 
Perhaps they became discouraged and forgot why they were in business, to begin with. Always keep moving forward. And don’t give up if this business is really what you want.

Build and join supportive communities.

Whether you have a mentor, a friend, or a partner, let your community support you. If you don’t know anyone personally that can support you, I would advise you to hire a business coach to get you to the next level. 
There are times when we will need encouragement, tough love, and accountability. In addition, you can find groups on Facebook, or in your community. 
Building a business can be lonely at times, but it doesn't have to be this way. Strive to network with other business owners. You WILL find friends if you’re friendly.

set up systems and hire help.

 What are business systems? Simply put, business systems help your business run smoothly. You can automate an email nurture campaign when someone subscribes to your email newsletter. 
You can also have software that sends a lead a text if they call you and you missed their call. You can even have your Google Reviews link sent to customers whenever you would like. There are so many systems you can set up. 
The most exciting part is that it is inexpensive, and these systems can save you up to 3 hours a day when you market your business. 
Once you have your systems set up and your business model tested with profits coming in, it’s time to invest in a virtual assistant. This will lighten the load for you. Hiring someone full-time may seem daunting at first, but you can start with part-time to begin with and see how it progresses.
Having your business processes written down is essential to having a successful virtual assistant. So while you are doing things alone in your business, screen recording how you do things will be beneficial in the future when you need to be hands-off. 
Now you can enjoy your vacation with your family knowing your business is in good hands. 
All in all, I hope this article has made you realize that you’re not alone. There are resources and people in the world waiting to lend a helping hand, so you don’t feel overwhelmed in your business.

About The Author 
Annemarie is a marketing and business strategist, who assists introverts with amplifying their voices through marketing. 
Annmarie herself is an ambivert (balance between introvert and extrovert), but she knows what it's like to need to recharge after being around a big crowd. She also manages her all-in-one marketing platform that helps business owners become more efficient with their marketing. 
Contact Annmarie through Instagram @SuccessForIntroverts to get a free marketing strategy session, so she can help you book your calendar with qualified leads.


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