Transforming Business and Self through Life Force Energy: What is Somagetics?

In a recent episode of Starting a Business Simplified, Kimberly Ward, the creator of Somagetics, joined host Suzy Wraines to discuss the transformative power of life force energy on personal and professional growth. They shared their personal experiences with tapping into their essential selves and the importance of clarity in creating a safe environment for transformation. The Somagetics TEC Program, which addresses self-sabotaging behaviors and helps practitioners access their essential selves, was highlighted as a unique healing system with remarkable results.

Suzy Wraines shared her own transformation and certification in the program, leading to a significant improvement in her business and personal life. Graduate Emilie Kershaw praised the program's value and nurturing community. The episode discussed the program's focus on trauma patterns and the practical experience gained through live practice sessions. Kimberly Ward emphasized the importance of transforming defensive behaviors into qualities that benefit others and highlighted the program as a standalone system that can support practitioners full-time or complement other modalities.

The episode also touched on the certification course and business partnership opportunities, highlighting the life-changing impact of collaboration and the potential for building a profitable business in this field. Ultimately, the episode served as a valuable resource for practitioners, healers, and professionals looking to harness the transformative power of life force energy for their own growth and that of their clients.

Engage with the Starting A Business Simplified Podcast Community

In a recent blog post, Suzy Wraines, the host of the Starting A Business Simplified podcast, announced the creation of a new community for entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners. This community aims to provide a safe space for discussion, learning, and behind-the-scenes insights. Suzy expressed her gratitude for her listeners and emphasized the importance of creating a two-way communication channel. 

She also revealed her plans to introduce video podcasting in 2024, allowing her audience to watch her on YouTube and Spotify. Additionally, Suzy launched a private Facebook group exclusively for podcast listeners, where members can interact, ask questions, and engage with exclusive content. The group aims to foster a sense of belonging and mutual support among its members. Overall, Suzy's announcement marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the podcast, transforming it into an interactive and community-driven platform for entrepreneurial growth and empowerment.

Unleashing the Power of Self-Expression: A Healing Journey Through Storytelling and Writing

Guest Rachel Dick recently appeared on the "Starting a Business Simplified" podcast to discuss the transformative power of self-expression, storytelling, and writing. As a nurse and coach, Rachel shares her own journey of self-discovery and highlights the healing potential of sharing personal stories. Rachel's coaching practice focuses on helping individuals find and share their voices, whether through writing, podcasting, or becoming more expressive in their personal and professional lives. 

She emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for storytelling, and her workshop "Heal the Right Way" provides a supportive community for individuals to explore their narratives and develop a daily writing practice. Rachel's work serves as a beacon for those looking to embrace their stories and unleash the power of self-expression through writing and storytelling. Find out more about Rachel and her coaching services on her website and connect with her on social media.

Payment Collection 101: Best Practices for New Business Owner

In this blog post, we explore the important topic of collecting payments as a new business owner. Having an efficient payment collection system is crucial for success. It is recommended to establish a separate bank account for your business transactions to avoid complications during tax season and ensure accurate reporting. We also discuss various payment collection methods, including cash apps, online direct payment systems, and bookkeeping software. Tracking payments and expenses through accurate record-keeping is essential for tax purposes. By implementing these strategies, you can establish a strong financial foundation for your business and navigate the world of business simplification.

Self-Doubt to Self-Belief: Embracing Your True Identity

In this blog post, we explore the important topic of collecting payments as a new business owner. Having an efficient payment collection system is crucial for success. It is recommended to establish a separate bank account for your business transactions to avoid complications during tax season and ensure accurate reporting. We also discuss various payment collection methods, including cash apps, online direct payment systems, and bookkeeping software. Tracking payments and expenses through accurate record-keeping is essential for tax purposes. By implementing these strategies, you can establish a strong financial foundation for your business and navigate the world of business simplification.

Standing Out as Your Authentic Self: Angela Winter's Blend of Self-Discovery and Web Design

Discover the power of authenticity in business with intuitive brand and website designer, Angela Winter, on this episode of Starting a Business Simplified. Angela shares her journey from voice coaching to web design, highlighting the importance of following your true passions. Learn how Angela helps entrepreneurs stand out and connect with their ideal clients through her unique approach to website design.

Embracing the journey and adaptability is a key takeaway from Angela's experience. She emphasizes the fluidity of entrepreneurship and the significance of staying open to new opportunities. By aligning your authentic self with your business and personal life, you can create a genuine connection with your audience and attract those who resonate with your unique offerings.

Angela's intuitive brand and website design strategy focuses on melding an entrepreneur's authentic self with the needs of their ideal clients. By infusing authenticity into your online presence, you can bridge the gap between your true self and your website, establishing trust and creating a memorable user experience. Don't miss out on this episode that explores the power of authenticity in business and how to effectively communicate it through your website.

Creating Your Own Path: The Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Business

In this podcast episode of "Starting A Business Simplified," Suzy Wraines shares her personal journey of transitioning from a medical career to starting her own online business. She addresses common fears and doubts that may hold individuals back from pursuing entrepreneurship and highlights the importance of having the right mindset, seeking support, and following a step-by-step plan. Suzy emphasizes the value of coaches in providing valuable insights, confidence-building, and internal healing. She introduces her approach called "Starting A Business Simplified," which offers a clear roadmap and support for each stage of the entrepreneurial journey. 

Suzy also emphasizes the need for internal healing and self-awareness in overcoming limiting beliefs and fears. Through her own experiences, she encourages listeners to start somewhere, and with determination and the right support, they can overcome hurdles and achieve their goals. Suzy concludes by highlighting the joys and fulfillment of being a business owner and invites listeners to subscribe to her podcast for more practical tips and inspiring stories on their entrepreneurial journey.
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